Saturday, February 17, 2007

Through the Eyes...

Through the eyes of the world
I am weak
I am incapable
I am a loser
I am uncommitted
I am unable to think on my own
I am unable to change
I am stupid
I am untrustworthy
I am untruthful
I am unfaithful
I am uncompassionate
I am unloving
I am unwilling
I am in denial
I am lost
I am hiding in the darkness of my own sin
I am bound by the moral decay of my own mind
I am condemned
I am unforgiven

Through the eyes of Christ
I am made clean
I am made in HIS image
I am sanctified
I am not condemned
I am a new man
I am loved unconditionally
I am made strong by HIS power
I am perfect
I am holy
I am blameless
I am righteous
I am justified
I am filled with true hope
I am covered by HIS grace
I am blessed
I am not as I was, but as HE created me to be
I am rooted in HIM
I am covered by HIS blood
I am indwelt by HIS spirit
I am not bound by the words of man
I am bound to HIM forever through HIS death and resurrection
I am forgiven


I received this via email this week - Thought it was amazing so I had to find picture for it and pass it along. Enjoy!

Oceans and mountains have definition of depth and width.
God gave boundaries to everything He establishes, creating a tapestry much like earth’s topography. His people join together to produce the “big picture” -- knowing their part, esteeming every part.
To define the boundaries of our purpose is to acknowledge purpose does not originate from personal logic, but from a divine plan in which we are joined to divine excellence and thereby reflect the very power of God.
We carry the fragrance of His power as we step into the day with His hand upon our lives. Today we will not go everywhere, but we will go somewhere. Supernatural power will company us, lining the path as though saying to us: this is the way, come this way.
His presence and power will keep us, both from harm and from careless wandering that might take us outside our boundary.
Sensitivity to His leading is the reason we come to an opening along the path and determine the opening is not ours.
Count the cost before building.
Define the boundaries.
Write the vision.
Make it plain.
If you see the vision you can write it. If you write it you can read it. If you can read it, you can believe and develop faith for it.
If you have faith for it, you can do it.
Write the new vision.
Define the boundaries.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Love you Katouche!!....Apita!!!

Saturday, February 03, 2007


I know that it has been awhile since my last post, and I know that some of you have been asking for something new. Thank you bearing with me, as there have been things going on that I needed to take time to goto the Lord with. One thing I have been re-reminded of over the last couple of weeks is that HE and HE alone is where my value and worth come from. HIS grace and HIS mercy alone. HIS strength, HIS power, HIS might, and most of all HIS LOVE is all I need. The video I posted is a fovorite song... I have shead many tears with this song the last week or so.....Like Phil said in the intro.. I pray it will be your prayer too! Peace....and GRACE.....Todd