Saturday, June 23, 2007

Amazed Again.......

One thing of the many things that always amazes me about the people of Haiti is their brilliant talent to paint. The detail, the depth, the beauty that they convey through their art leaves me breathless and teary eyed at times.... and this week was one of those amazing moments. My beautiful and creative wife had planned a surprise for me for fathers day. While on here trip to Haiti in April she had commissioned a painting be done of Jonas based on a photo I had taken of him in December when I was there. Words can't begin to express all the emotion that I had when I received this brilliant painting of my son, and the thoughtfulness and love of my wife. So I had to share it with you all. The original photo, and the beautiful watercolor painting created through the eyes of a Haitian boy by the name of Emilson. Thank you for giving of your time and gift, and Thank you to all who help make this possible You truly are a blessing to us!!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Fathers Day...

All day long people have been wishing me a Happy Fathers Day. My Dad came and took Me and my brother Troy to lunch for Fathers Day. Kristina and the girls gave me gifts, and cards for Fathers Day. BUT.... there are 5 VERY Amazing things that without them this day would not have been possible... you see without Gods blessing of my 5 AMAZING children I would not get to celebrate this day as a father.... Thank you Jessica, Megan, Lillie, Jonas and Ellie for being the very reason I get to enjoy this day as a Father....Daddy....Papa. I love you all!! Next year we will ALL celebrate it together!!

Monday, June 11, 2007

I miss you my son.....


As I sat here tonight I was reading comments on Mommy's blog and I ran across a comment Carsen left. It said this:
Carsen said...
Hey Kristina! I just wanted to tell you that your kids are precious! When I saw Jonas for the first time, I said how are you? He answered, "When is papa Todd coming?" He misses his Daddy! Ellie has become my little shadow. She is happy and gentle. Quite the pair you've got!

I miss you too Katouche - terribly I miss you. There is not a moment that goes by that you are not in my thoughts and Prayers. Every time a see a new picture you seem to have grown so much. I can't wait to come and get you, to hold you, and bring you home to be with Mommy, me and your sisters. I can't wait for the day that the seven of us have everyday together. You, me, mommy, Jessica, Megan, Lillie, and Ellie. I know it must seem like a long time since I have been there because I know how long it has been for me. I love you so much Jonas! You are an amazing little boy, and I know that God has a brilliant plan for your life. Even though I am not there at this moment please know that you are in every beat my heart takes and we have a life time a father son moments to enjoy.... I will come soon buddy.... I promise.... Daddy Loves you!!! Catch my my hugs.


