Sunday, May 27, 2007

I Love Ice Cream!!

Ice Cream Anyone?

Sunday, May 13, 2007


Above Image Logo courtsey of Desperation Church; Liberty MO.
Art Modifications by: Todd Burnett 2007

Webster defines it as: Reckless or violent because of despair ( great grief or torment) nearly hopeless; grave; extreme, great.

Ok…now let’s take the word desperate and apply it to how we pursue a relationship with Jesus.

Luke 19:3 (The Message) reads: “He desperately wanted to see Jesus.”

Do you?

Do I?

Do any of us?

Pursue Jesus recklessly?




How do you get when you want something so much that you are willing to do anything to achieve it?

Does Jesus not deserve us pursuing Him so much more than any earthly thing we pursue?

Have you ever been in a situation where you lost your breath?
You know what I mean, like having the wind knocked completely out of you or almost drowning.

Do you remember how you felt?
Do you remember how desperately you needed air?
That first breath?
How the panic set in and maybe even for a moment you thought you might die?

Is that how you seek after Jesus?

Do you seek after Him so desperately as though you are grasping for air?
And without that breath of air filling deep into your lungs you will just die?

I want to be desperate for Jesus……….. and today that’s my prayer for each of you.

God didn’t create us to sit with the wind knocked out of us.

He created us to have a relationship with his son, our life’s breath…..Jesus.

Be reckless…

Be extreme...

Be desperate....for Jesus.