Tuesday, January 16, 2007

"I'm ready for my close up!"

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Sometimes pictures say so much more than words..........................

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Libete pa lib

Okay let me start by saying it is my best attempt at getting my point across in Kreyol, and I hope it comes at least close. This is a picture that I took during the Dance Theatre at St Josephs. It was an amazing night and I knew when I took this photograph I had to do something with it. Let it be a reminder that "Libete pa lib"...Freedoms not free.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Beautiful Sounds Never Forgotten

I was sitting here tonight waiting to check my email and do my daily blog catching up and I heard it.... complete silence. At that moment I felt a little sadness come over me. Sad you see because at that moment I realized there were sounds I was missing.
Those sounds were the amazing sounds of Haiti. You see every night while I was there, and after I had tucked in Katouche and prayed with him, I would journey to the roof of St Joseph and I would lay there on the roof and submerce myself in the brilliance of Gods stary night and just listen. Listen to the sounds of the Haitian people laughing as they sat in the darkness of the night and played games on their roof tops. Listen to others blast music of their culture from battery operated radios as they too laugh and enjoy the time with friends. Listen to dogs bark, roosters crow, children play. These were some of the most wonderful sounds I have ever heard, and tonight in the silence of my room...I miss those sounds.
I also miss the sound of a little voice at 6:00 AM saying "Papa", and hearing him beckon me with "Come on papa" as he takes my hand and wants to lead me on another Jonas adventure.
I miss the way that little hand fits perfectly in mine.
I miss those big brown eyes and the mischievous little smile, and the way his little arms fit just perfectly around my neck when I carry him,
and I miss how completely at peace he is when we just ARE.
Isn't it cool to just BE!?

Monday, January 01, 2007

Email From A Friend....

I received the following in a email from Elias (You-You's Brother) and it really meant a great deal to me, so I thought I'd share it. I added a picture I took while I was in Haiti that I started calling "Dreaming of Home" before I ever left.......I keep telling myself it won't be long now.
Thanks E!!!!

I was reading your wife's blog and I remembered this story. I don't think I've ever told it to you:I believe it was after you left that we started decorating forChristmas. There were a few boxes of green and red plastic ballssitting on top of the piano and earlier in the day some of the kids(Jonas included) had tried to climb up and grab them and play withthem. They were told the balls were not for playing with.
Later on I was downstairs again and Jonas was crying and pointing toward theboxes of balls on top of the piano and I told him, "No, Jonas, youcan't have those." But...well first of all he didn't understand me:)...but he insisted and went over there himself and climbed up. Iwas about to pull him down and tell him "No" again when I realized hewasn't headed for the balls.
On top of the boxes of balls was thelaminated sheet of pictures of your family. That's what he was after.Crying, he picked it up and brought it over to me to show me. I, ofcourse, changed my attitude from one of "about to discipline" to "inawe of the understanding this kid has about who his family will soon be" and how he missed you and treasured this, now bent and worn,picture of his family whom he will soon be with. What a great kid.
Thought you might want to hear that.