Through the Eyes...
Through the eyes of the world
I am weak
I am incapable
I am a loser
I am uncommitted
I am unable to think on my own
I am unable to change
I am stupid
I am untrustworthy
I am untruthful
I am unfaithful
I am uncompassionate
I am unloving
I am unwilling
I am in denial
I am lost
I am hiding in the darkness of my own sin
I am bound by the moral decay of my own mind
I am condemned
I am unforgiven
Through the eyes of Christ
I am made clean
I am made in HIS image
I am sanctified
I am not condemned
I am a new man
I am loved unconditionally
I am made strong by HIS power
I am perfect
I am holy
I am blameless
I am righteous
I am justified
I am filled with true hope
I am covered by HIS grace
I am blessed
I am not as I was, but as HE created me to be
I am rooted in HIM
I am covered by HIS blood
I am indwelt by HIS spirit
I am not bound by the words of man
I am bound to HIM forever through HIS death and resurrection
I am forgiven
Praise God that he sees us through the eyes of his son Jesus!!!!!
You and I have learned so much about this, haven't we?
Thank you for always striving to see me through Jesus's eyes instead of the world's eyes. It means more than I can ever express!
I love you Todd, not because of who you are, but because of who God made you to be!
Yes, Todd, you are all God says you are. Don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise.
my head tells me otherwise everyday! thanks for this encouragement. how amazing, how great is our God?!?!
my head tells me otherwise everyday! thanks for this encouragement. how amazing, how great is our God?!?!
Good stuff brother. Makes me think of great book: Victory over Darkness. (
Well said.
okay, you guys may be moving and whatever, but it's time for a new post already!
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