Through the Eyes...
Through the eyes of the world
I am weak
I am incapable
I am a loser
I am uncommitted
I am unable to think on my own
I am unable to change
I am stupid
I am untrustworthy
I am untruthful
I am unfaithful
I am uncompassionate
I am unloving
I am unwilling
I am in denial
I am lost
I am hiding in the darkness of my own sin
I am bound by the moral decay of my own mind
I am condemned
I am unforgiven
Through the eyes of Christ
I am made clean
I am made in HIS image
I am sanctified
I am not condemned
I am a new man
I am loved unconditionally
I am made strong by HIS power
I am perfect
I am holy
I am blameless
I am righteous
I am justified
I am filled with true hope
I am covered by HIS grace
I am blessed
I am not as I was, but as HE created me to be
I am rooted in HIM
I am covered by HIS blood
I am indwelt by HIS spirit
I am not bound by the words of man
I am bound to HIM forever through HIS death and resurrection
I am forgiven